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Are you facing roadblocks on your journey to building a new and improved Ghana?
Our Mission
Visionary’s motto, Where The Community Grows, is rooted and refined in partnership. While we are all teammates internally, our external partners provide resources such as funding and others that allow Visionary to take the Community beyond its pillars. For that reason, we are always humbled and privileged by the generous contributions of our donors, sponsors, and friends.
First Phase:
Visionary seeks to establish an innovative environment for entrepreneurs and creatives to benefit from state-of-the-art spaces that would assist them in furthering their ideas to contribute to the continent’s emerging economies. Our goal is to create an environment that allows communities to benefit from business advisory expertise and vivid workspaces such as visualization and open studio spaces to help place Ghana on the forefront of innovation in Africa. This space will allow entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and participate in various speaker series. As a profit enterprise, our goals are developed around what we believe will be the best change for the promising continent.